Thursday, October 15, 2009

Truth in Advertising

Here's a story I can't help but comment on. We all know how photo shop has changed the advertising landscape, making us all feel too old, too fat, and too everything that people really are. Ralph Lauren really pulled a good one this time. Take a look at what some enterprising computer minion created. Poor Phillipa has been turned into a bobble head. The amazing thing is that this was approved for publication. Can you picture that scene...Yes, Mr Lauren we love it..its so new, so young, so right, just the thing we need to attract a new younger customer,[because his customer has moved to Florida and no longer cares about clothing] This demonstrates clearly how at times the fashion industry lives in a 7 th avenue ghetto and has no idea what the real world is about...and the Lauren people declined comment until the media put the pressure on. Phillipa [poor clue-less thing] has become the poster child for a number of fashion mag editors who are speaking on her behalf, raging on about its alright to be fat. which sells their mags big time, all she can say is I don't understand why I was fired, I've been working at RL since I was 15 "They were like my family" she said..Wake up kid this is Mad. Ave. your dealing with! family, shmalily, RL says she was let go because of "contractual issues" The media is going on about her being too fat, and I agree that the body image thing is way out of control. The real reason she got canned was because she became the center of controversy and bad press does not sell RL rags, [at least not in this case] All you have to do is follow the money, it doesn't matter Phillipa how long you worked for them. You became [by no fault of your own] a liability. You were caught in the middle of the "fat" wars, which sells magazines for the pro fat opposition, take comfort in the fact that I'm sure that minion who created the photo was fired as well. GAIN WEIGHT GIRL! and defect to the other camp, their waiting for you with open arms.

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