Monday, June 28, 2010

Delman Shoes a classic

Delman now there’s a name that’s been around. It conjures visions of Bonwit Teller, Franklin Simon, Kelly Kitt and other "Specialty" women’s stores of the post war era. Elegant stores with mezzanines, tea rooms and millinery departments with individual dressing tables. These were the shops that under protest my mother dragged me through as a child. Little did I know that 50 years later I would be trying to recreate that ambience. The black uniformed sales women who carried their own receipt pads and always referred to clients as Mrs. or Miss.who never spoke above a hush.”Is this going to be cash or house charge?" Would you like this delivered? Is Madame planning to wear this tonight? That’s all a distant memory in retail history, yet when the name Delman popped up recently in a clients shoe store I could not help but recall sitting next to my mother while she considered which shoe best suited her. They were Delmans her favorite. I jumped at the chance to recreate the display of that era. Dorothy Draper, the woman responsible for reinventing commercial retail decor has of late become my mentor, "make it gay" she would exclaim, [no problem there Dot] So here it is my small tribute to Dorothy and all the great retailers of the past and of course the famous Delman Shoes.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sex and the City......again

           Once in a great while there comes along a window theme that’s just too good to pass by. the "Sex and the City" production is one those themes. I think it’s been 13 [ouch] years since the series debuted and became a national fashion phnom. The story of 4 women all distinctly different types and their romantic escapades set in the world of New York's high and low fashion, popular trends and ladder climbing careers. The scripts were brilliant, smart and oh so courant that one couldn’t help but hang on to every word of dialogue with vicarious delight.

                 The question most asked was "which character is your favorite" Fans quickly decided which character they most related to, wanted to be or were green with envy of. What could be a better wagon to hitch your fashion marketing to? none that I can think of.

                 The fashion was fabulous, new and very New York. Carrie an love advice columnist, young, introspective, petite with a shoe fetish, Miranda the lawyer, professional, disciplined, practical and a red head to boot. Charlotte a cute preppy, niave, Connecticut Yankee, and of course my favorite Samantha, an independent public relations executive with a voracious sexual appetite, who used men like disposable hand towels. The show had it all. I did my first S.A.T.C. window at the height of its popularity, it garnered attention like nothing I had done before, the comments were endless and the store traffic soared, the media also picked up on the window. It didn’t matter that we were not selling anything directly related to the show [with the exception of the large silk flowers that Carrie made famous] It was clear that the public had embraced the ladies.

                I have always said, "Timing is everything"  so always seize the moment, window displays are a fleeting instant in our cultural parade so....get it in… before it’s out. This brings me to a current window I just completed. I recently took on a new account, ladies shoe, bag and accessory shop. I haven’t dealt with shoes for quite awhile, but immediately the tune "In These Shoes" started playing in my head. A song that always brings back thought of Charlotte trying on a pair while the saleman caressed her feet. Yes! I will do it! Upon seeing the location and meeting with the owner a delightful, savy, fashionista...I realized that the opening of "Sex in the City 2" was the perfect opportunity to try it again, the die hard fans are still out there and the extensive pre opening hype had returned the subject to the lips of the ladies who lunch.

The resulting window is subtle, the tag line was not...I found a photo of Sarah Jessica wearing a great tee that stated "Fashion is not a Luxury" How's that for a perfect fit,[excuse the pun] Fashion is a is at the core of everything we do, without fashion there would be no commerce and no me. We need fashion now more than ever, nothing lifts the spirit more in these dreadful days of recession than a new pair of shoes.

The window went in and I must say to rave reviews, better than those the movie received.This all  proves  that the connection is still there, strong as ever. Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha still have what it takes.....and so do I.  Click here